
Ruprechtice quarry

Ruprechtice quarry is mined by Ligranit for one of the country’s most decorative fine stones - Liberec granite. This is particularly exceptional for its pinkish colour, which is due to its high content of potassium feldspar.
Address:Na Vyhlídce 1270LiberecGPS:50°47'37.3''N; 15°05'8.0''E[Map]

The first mention of the quarry dates back to 1875, when a fatal accident was recorded there. However, the quarry is likely to predate that. Regular and organised quarrying work has been carried out there since 1910. Over the years, the quarry passed through the hands of owners such as the master stonemason Josef Lange and the Liebieg family; it was owned by the city and state enterprises, until 1992, when it came under the management of  LIGRANIT. All three of the quarry work sites: Lednice, Wagner I and Wagner II, quarry one of the country’s most decorative fine stones – Liberec granite.

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